7:18 AM, Saturday, February 28, 2009
2008 drama awards - GENTING ARENA 0F STAR

it's lucky t0 meet my darl at genting .
i'm s0 happy atm .
l0l , i th0ught that i w0uld never get a chance t0 meet her .
0hh dear , h0w lucky i am .=]

she's as sweet as a barbie d0ll .
as cute as my teddy bear .
hahaha , th0 we just met f0r half an h0ur but i'm feeling s0 glad .
at least i'm having photo 0f me and her .
i had already met up with my darl 610 ;
just wait f0r a chance t0 meet michelle and yen lu .
hahaha . XD

i miss my darl . =]

l00k , th0se little cars are s0 cute rite ??
i was standing just in fr0nt 0f that and th0ught 0f having s0me f0t0s 0f them .
wh0 kn0ws , i can't even snap 0NE f0t0 .
siiiggghhh ~
0h ya , these cars are used t0 fetch th0se act0rs .

it's a pleasure sitting inside and enj0yed the live sh0w .
0f c0urse i w0n't be g0ing back h0me with0ut anything ba .
i kn0w that i l00k s0 ugly in it .
but nevermind ba .
hahaha , just s0me sweet mem0ries .
my " l0vely " br0ther with me . l0l
my day ended like this .
after the sh0w , i went t0 starbucks with xia0 xin jies .
we chatted f0r few h0urs , n0n-st0p .
hahaha , that's because i can talk n0n-st0p .
and we als0 missed 0ut a chance t0 shake hand with th0se leng zai .


we went h0me 0n sunday evening .

s0uvenir fr0m genting .
s0rry wer , just f0r 3 0f us .
haha , marmie ; me ; my silly br0ther .
th0se cakes c0st rm 70 ++
0hhh gg000ssshh ~
expensive eh ??


s0meday , when i was d0ing my h0mew0rk ;
i was s000000 b0ring , s0 that . . . . .
i started t0 snap s0me silly f0t0 .
but th0se f0t0 d0en't l00kreally nice .
just as simple as a piece 0f A4 paper .
hahahahahaha . XD

take 0ne , a simple smile that i used t0 sh0w always .

take tw0 , kinda lan c huh this face ?
an0ther face 0f mine that i w0n't be sh0wing when i snap a f0t0 . XD
i'm s0 in l0ve with this f0t0 after i captured , but n0w i d0n't felt that's nice .

take three . the 0nly f0t0 that get the m0st c0mment fr0m 0thers .
hahaha . =)

take f0ur , silly me .
i never try this p0se bef0re .
hahaha , it l00ks quite weird ber .


f0ur different faces , which 0ne look nicer ?? haha .

edited by michelle , my bel0ve .
it l00ks quite nice with fake lashes .
hmmm , i will think b0ut having a pair 0f fake lashes .
hahaha .

emily , i can finally fit 0n this pants .
ign0re b0ut my face thanks .
i'm getting thinner , but i'm getting fatter recently because i ate a l0t .
sighh ~
i d0n't want t0 bec0me a DAI FEI P0 .
hahaha =]

let's guess where am i .
we're waiting f0r teng teng's mummy t0 fetch us h-me after latin class .
t0day i sh0wed p0tat0 this f0t0 but she asked me : where're y0u w0 ? why y0u g0 and snap ppl ph0t0 ??? "
i was like sweating . hahahaha , h0w can y0u d0n't rec0gnise me ?
fine , i will f0rgive y0u .
hmmm , MR P0TAT0 .
yummy !!!


28 / 02 / 2009 AMC LE0 38th ANNIVERSARY

t0day , saturday i sh0uld be sleeping at h0me until aftern00n .
but , i'm s0 hardw0rking t0day because i g0tta g0 t0 sch00l at the early in the m0rning .
what f0r ?? hahaha , ma because 0f i'm g0ing t0 le0 functi0n le .
never been t0 this kind 0f functi0n bef0re mer .
n0w 0nly i kn0w , functi0n is really b0ring .
== and the maint p0int is i'm n0t le0 member .
i went there just t0 fulfill their empty place .
hehehe .
frankly , p0tat0 is quite attractive t0day with his vest 0n .
never see him wearing like this .
hahaha .
after that i went f0r my " breakfast " at 10 am with zhi qi and penny .
we went " small genting " yum cha , then b0th 0f them went h0me 0nly fei reached .
what lar her ==
l0l .
it's quite weird because just b0th 0f us t0day .
but luckily we 38 en0ugh .
chatted n0n-st0p .
when i want t0 finish up my drinks 0nly i saw there was a piece 0f sticker inside my drink .
000hhhh g00shhhh !!!!!
i feels like wanna v0mit 0ut everything .
errrkkkkk !!! it's s0 disgustinggg !!!
alright , f0rget ab0ut that .
i d0n't h0pe that i will v0mit bef0re i sleep .

she's 0ne 0f my best mate , FEI .

it's me it's me !!! ==
f0cus at that b0wl 0f white s0lid .
it's alm0nd ice .
yuuccckkk ~

the 0nly f0t0 0f us .
[ actually still g0t s0me f0t0 that i didn't upl0ad , because i w0n't let my image sp0ilt in my hand X0X0 ]
i had a w0nderful day .
that's all f0r my latest bl0g .
will be having new p0st after my exam .
night .

4:40 AM, Saturday, February 14, 2009
happy valentine . =)

it's such a stupid day because we were sch00ling in the m0rning .
i did smtg in the class when teacher is teaching yesterday .
i'm s0 s0 s0 hungry when it was just 9 smtg in the m0rning , but haven recess yet .
my st0m0ch keep 0n making n0ise .
i cann0t stand f0r the feeling 0f n0thing in my st0m0ch .
* wink * i get an idea .
i asked f0r f00d fr0m FEI .
but she just g0t DAI BA0 .
what t0 d0 ? but i'm s0 s0 s0 hungry .
i never think much 0n that m0ment and said t0 her : jiu sat !
i summ0re t00k 0ut the f0rk and started my " meal "
my classmate saw it and the just like " 0MG == like that als0 can ? "
wahahahaha . XD


my valentine's date ended just like this , =)
watched a funny m0vie and have s0me munch at MP , steamb0at .
i b0ught 2 magazines .
yapeee ~ !!
there's l0rdsss 0f c0uple hanging ar0und .
that's why we call yesterday as VALENTINE DAY .
>.< while waiting f0r 0ur s0up , let's take f0t0 . =)
this f0t0 very nice w000 , thanks p0tat0 .
hehes .

ishhhh == why y0ur face will like that ??
hahahaha , d0n't l00k at me lar .
sexy baby ~

hahaha XD
i'm s0 in l0ve with that piece 0f mirr0r ~

aiy0r , y0u always eat eat eat .
later nic sh0cked until fainted then y0u'll kn0w .
hahaha ~

a sweet smile fr0m y0u .
just like an angle fr0m heaven .
haha , and that's y0u .
my dear fren , VIVIAN =)

she said : lai , we take f0t0 like this .
i was like : huh == wan b0h ?
hahaha , but anyways it l00ks kinda 0kay th0 .

where's my fav0urite ?
wait s0 l0ng . . .
wait , wait , wait and als0 wait .

that's a l0ve between us , that's call fren's l0ve .
* s0rry f0r making such a ugly l0ve XD *
i l0ve this f0t0 the m0st .
s0 sweet 0f her .

i want t0 kiss y0u but n0t dare .
i scared later her b0yfren c0me and punch me up .
hahaha ~


i'm s0 w0rried that will i still live in this w0rld after t0m0rr0w .
i d0n't want t0 see CIK ANGAMAH !!
she's s0 scarey that can made all 0f us cried .
day after t0m0rr0w will be the day that is full 0f afflicti0n .

1:29 AM, Friday, February 13, 2009
friday =)

my small little cutie nephew , having big EYES .
i'm jeal0us . XD
what's the p0int h0lding s0 many tissuessss ?

dinner with my uncle yesterday .
l00k at th0se three little children , s0 blur . wahahaha :P

wasehhh !! mummy , thim , daddy .
i l00k s00000000 redicul0ussss !!!
wh0 snapped this ??
hahahaha /
my br0ther lar .
i purp0sely called him t00k 0ur f0t0 , because it's my h0mew0rk f0r m0ral pr0ject .
yay !!
settled .

what a huge car ==
5 babes stucked at the same r0le , kelian ehhh .
* still g0t peace XD *

valentine is c0ming s00n . =)
hmmm , watch pink panther 2 t0m0rr0w and will be having dinner with kuan , shan them .
0utdated uh ?
n0 ch0ice lar .
i'm n0t free at all . hahaha XD
i w0ke up early in the m0rning t0day just because 0f i need t0 c0mplete my silly add mathss .
arrghhh ~ ~ !
but but but , main p0int is here .
i fall asleep again at 4.30 .
== s0 sy0k .
i w0ke up at 3 am !!!
g0ing t0 chi sin .
i dunn0 what's the p0int th0se teacher wanted us t0 line up at the hugggggeeeee field instead 0f g0 int0 the hall .
we st00d there m0re than 15 mins , but did n0thinggg .
and just that 5 mins under the h0t sun , i'm having headache until N0W .
f ** k
it's n0t 0ver yet , we still have t0 attend a talk that's ab0ut h0w t0 put 0ut a fire .
my g0shhh , it was s00 b0ring and the PA sistem is having pr0blem i think .
unclear like hell .
every0ne fall asleep .
hahaha !!
then th0se prefect keep 0n wake us up .

1:17 AM, Tuesday, February 10, 2009
it's already a fact .
the decisi0n i've made consider USELESS .
because i w0uld never get a chance t0 dr0p my stupid ec0n0mic subject .
what can i d0 just try t0 get a pass f0r it ba .
EMILY !! where have y0u been ?
never send me a msg , never send me a c0mment and als0 never send me a piece 0f letter !!!
=( i'm having seri0us heartache .
my english is s000 bad , my chem and bi0 even m0re bad !!
argggghhh !!
what t0 d0 ??
where can i get m0tive f0rce t0 study like 0thers d0ing ?
i hate sp0rt !!
it made my skin getting darker and darker .
ishhhh =S
we met smtg funny t0day .
i didn't put 0n my name tag and i was running up t0 sec0nd fl00r that time . .
sudden there was s0me0ne wh0 said : " xia0 peng y0u , qing dai shang ming pai PLEASE . "
all 0f us just like =0 the laugh n0n-st0p .
" what ?! xia0 peng y0u ?? i even can be y0ur sister lar !! call me xia0 peng y0u pulak !! "
we were really sweat that time ~
what a stupid lil girl .

1:49 AM, Monday, February 9, 2009

l00k !! it was really niceeee ! i fall in L0VE with it when i saw it in the magazine .
0h dear , but the price can cause me death .
n0 ch0ice , i'm n0t rich at all .
i just can l00k at it everyday and imagine that i'm having it !
haha . =)

my dinner f0r yesterday night , the mini octopus is really cute and 0f c0urse it taste delici0us ~
and als0 the 0yster ~~
i can't f0rget b0ut that taste .
i just came back fr0m klang yesterday .
having 2 days trip t0 my auntie's h0use .
hm . . it's n0t really fun because we just stuck inside the h0use f0r the wh0le day .
my c0usins were s0 busy with their c0mp , never b0ther b0ut me .
what a pity day f0r me ~
w0ke up early in the m0rning because i'm having tuiti0n this m0rning .
my eyes was really UGLEY !!
hahaha =)
even myself als0 n0t dare t0 l00k at the mirr0r .
well well , i've made a decisi0n .
that's i will dr0p my ec0n subject .
n0 ch0ice . =(
i've n0 m0re time t0 study .
daddy is c0ming back t0m0rr0w .
h00rraayy ~
hmmm , still thinkig what t0 d0 0n the f0ll0wing saturday .
hiek heik XP
valentine wert .

8:47 PM, Friday, February 6, 2009
welc0me new bl0ggie . =]
i'm s0 b0red with that 0ld bl0ggie .
that's why i'm here with my new bl0ggie .
haaa s . X D
new page new life .
i'm seventeen n0w .
have t0 make great eff0rts in my studies , s0 that i c0uld achieve my wish .
the first thing i've to sacrifice must be the time i spent with my bel0ve internet .
* cry 0ut l0ud *
starting t0 l0st c0ntact with my net frens .
kinda upset with that .
anyways , even i can't 0nline and chat with my net fren i still wish that i c0uld text with them .
siggghhh ~ and my time is all pact with tuiti0n .
[ 2009 ]

make myself l00k m0re mature and change my dressing style
i want t0 bec0me a super star . ( kinda funny uh ? )
learn t0 be independent .
read m0re b00ks and upgrate my eng level
m0re and m0re t0ms will ar0und my side . XD

dooomm dooomm doomm ~
dunn0 what else i need t0 d0 .
it's what i'm g0ing t0 p0st in my FIRST P0ST .
== s0 b0ring ~
an0ther p0st will be c0ming s00n .
wait patiently .



is once again here.
It's nothing special about me . i guess everyone knows that i'm always a PINK freak . X0 .
Obviously, I'm not a teenage drugger.
DUDE! Who do you take me for?

LOL. Okay, just read my blog and get into my life .
hey , welcome !




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February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010 June 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010


Wan chean
Vivian Lee
yik hua
jia yean
julia leong
yee chee
JC Tang
Vki Yap
Man Yee
Poh Yee
Tsu Ping
Khai Yuet
Wei Wei


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